
peon47 t1_iycc6xa wrote

Employees won't get the blame for this. If they're clever (and I assume head of marketting for Alphabet/Google is clever) they'll blame it on the process.

"Yes, this broke the law, but our marketting department aren't lawyers, and the process wasn't in place at the time to run influencer outreach by our legal department. I instituted a new policy so this can't happen any more. You gonna fire the guy who fixed this?"


peon47 t1_iuh6fyl wrote

You can really see it when watching Network shows on streaming. Watch an episode of Arrow or Flash, and it's 42 minutes long. Stick on an episode of The Next Generation from 1992 and it's 46 minutes long. Episodes of the original Star Trek from 1966 are 50 minutes.


peon47 t1_ith0fen wrote

The ending was perfect. It wasn't "sad" but "bittersweet".

Sam was too good a guy to retire from helping people. It's like that line in Captain America Civil War:

> Steve Rogers : If I see a situation pointed south, I can't ignore it. Sometimes I wish I could.

> Tony Stark : No, you don't.

> Steve Rogers : No, I don't.

They're the ultimate boy scouts, and the show ending any other way would have been a betrayal of the character.

I will fight people on this.