
peregrinkm OP t1_j8g1brx wrote

Uh, let's not harvest chunks of the moon just because we can. Also, I think the moon wouldn't have enough gravity to hold onto an atmosphere so it would need to be a totally sealed structure. It would be a completely controlled environment, so they could set it to ideal growing conditions.


peregrinkm OP t1_j8dloe1 wrote

But Mars has so much iron and water that once we figure out how to do it, we could totally build a city capable of modular expansion. Like, standardize the way certain pods fit together so more can always be added on without having to retrofit incompatible designs


peregrinkm OP t1_j8dl4n5 wrote

That’s really interesting, thank you. Now what if these could be built in relatively safe locations resistant to global wars and climate change? Like maybe in sparsely populated regions in the far north, or on Antarctica?

It seems like as the earth warms, new land will become arable for the first time. As agricultural regions closer to the equator become unviable, it may become necessary to farm areas that were previously tundra.


peregrinkm t1_j84ezxu wrote

I think there’s a lot of potential for AI to learn to interpret EEG readings of brainwaves, and through interacting with TMS there’s a lot of potential to address the underlying neurological roots of psychiatric disorders (rather than just medicating). It would have to be combined with therapy of course, but there’s a lot of potential especially when combined with heightened neuroplasticity from psychedelics.

How long will it take science to tap into the full potential? That’s a different story…


peregrinkm t1_j84eyx5 wrote

I think there’s a lot of potential for AI to learn to interpret EEG readings of brainwaves, and through interacting with TMS there’s a lot of potential to address the underlying neurological roots of psychiatric disorders (rather than just medicating). It would have to be combined with therapy of course, but there’s a lot of potential especially when combined with heightened neuroplasticity from psychedelics.

How long will it take science to tap into the full potential? That’s a different story…


peregrinkm t1_j82axzr wrote

Clearly there’s something within you that registers sight as an image interpreted by consciousness, but is that any reason why someone should “see” what they see? You experience consciousness, meaning something experiences the sensory stimuli. What is the nature of experience itself?


peregrinkm t1_j81dqsx wrote

They can already do that by combining deepfakes with AI. Encoding DNA into the simulation would just help it to simulate protein and cell growth. That would be extremely high resolution.

The question is: could it ever be conscious?