
perry3335 t1_jebrmgp wrote

I'm stuck in limbo at the moment, my doctor sent me a letter in November stating she was moving her practice to join UMass primary group. It included the new number to call for appointments, etc.

I called last week to schedule my physical for later this year and instead of speaking with someone at her office directly, I was dealing with UMass Central Booking who informed me that the doctor was on vacation but that they had closed her scheduling and she was not accepting any more patients. They suggested after 20 years of her being my doctor that I not tried to find another primary care doctor.

Ive been calling around and no one is taking patients. It sucks because I'm currently in treatment for three different medical issues, and i don't know what to do. Going to try to call back in a couple weeks to see if she's back in the office and hopefully I get a different answer.


perry3335 t1_jdbnp1e wrote

I saw him on Merrick Street... close to the corner of Austin Street last night around 3 am. I stopped the car but he took off behind one of the houses so I just assumed maybe an owner had let out their dog to relieve himself.

I'm a college student who does food deliveries at night so I Buzz around the whole city, I will be sure to keep my eyes open


perry3335 t1_j8u25d0 wrote

I fully agree which is why I take to emailing my city councilor every few weeks, if other people did it too I'm sure they would get sick and tired of hearing about it and would actually move to do something.

The funny thing is that if I look up the address on Google maps, even the footage they have shows the house with trash in front of it.


perry3335 t1_j8oplyg wrote

Send an online request to have it taken care of through the customer service form and if that doesn't work enail your councilor.

I see an area like this at the top of Vernon that looks very bad with trash everywhere. The residents just dumped the trash on the sidewalk haphazardly, DPW picks up what they can and the rest literally just sits there, at the end of the month it accumulates to the point where the sidewalk is blocked with trash and the wind blows a lot of it everywhere.

Once a month I go on the customer service form online and submit a request to have it taken care of. Sometimes it works sometimes they ignore it and then I email my councilor who takes care of it within a couple of days.


perry3335 t1_j8fix9q wrote

The best way to handle this is to lean into any activities or hobbies that you enjoy, and then find a place were you can partake around other people..classes, groups, etc.

Once there, just be approachable and friendly. Everything else will fall into place.

I found success this way because when you think about it you're not starting from zero. You're going to already have something in common with those other folks there and that can be the foundation for conversations/hangouts.

I was in the same situation about 6yrs ago after breakup with no friends. I have made dozens of acquaintances and three of which I can say are the best friends ive ever had.