
pervavor t1_ja88pmn wrote

I don't want to be a negative nancy here but Everlane is not the leader in ethical/sustainable clothing companies that it's marketing would leave you to believe. Anything that is near that amount of fast fashion and or ships overseas cannot be sustainable.

edit for paraphrasing article: “Everlane puts a great deal of focus on ‘radical transparency’ and has made it a key selling point,” said Luke Smitham, a sustainability expert at Kumi Consulting in London. “But fundamentally, what they do is not any different from most mass-market fashion brands who do exactly the same, or more.”

“They do some good work, but I wouldn’t describe it as radical. The most radical thing about Everlane is the marketing.”


pervavor t1_j5ydtf1 wrote

There have been 3 posts about spatulas within 24hrs. Is this some kind of meta meme?

Just look around the subreddit before posting, or, god forbid, search for something. Shocking how many repeat threads there are so close to eachother.