
peter_picture OP t1_j1ec3cz wrote

Reply to comment by Nickrii in Very disappointed by peter_picture

Yeah, I only now realise this. But I managed to solve my issues anyway, if you check my other comments. I will probably buy some artisans or blank keycaps to swap the ones not fitting. I don't want to buy another kit because I planned this build specifically around it. ITA ISO sets are very rare, and finding a good one with pleasant colours is quite the hassle.


peter_picture OP t1_j1cq7rd wrote

Reply to comment by Kjleone19 in Very disappointed by peter_picture

So, while Powertoys helped with the Pgup, Pgdn, and Home keys, it couldn't swap my Ctrl Right key for Alt Right, for some reason, preventing me to type € or @ on ITA layout. I ended up using Sharpkeys to solve that. So I would say it is a more powerful software. Just sharing it in case someone needs it.


peter_picture OP t1_j1cpw2h wrote

So I ended up solving the issue for both the special keys on the right and the inability to type € using Sharpkeys. Essentially, I was missing the Alt Right key, preventing me to type € and even @ for how the ITA layout works. I changed the Ctrl Right for Alt Right and I was good to go. Powertoys software didn't allow me to do so, and VIA does not support my keyboard at all.

Pgup, Pgdn, and Home were remapped as well. I will look for artisans' or blank keycaps for those, though, since the Pgup key is the same height as the RGB control key, and it's a punch in the eye to look at, personally.


Thanks to all who actually tried to help me. But I will avoid seeking help on this subreddit next time. Maybe it was my fault for the title I chose, but too many smartasses misunderstood my post.


peter_picture OP t1_j1b45up wrote

Reply to comment by RickyOMG in Very disappointed by peter_picture

Yes I was on wire while using VIA. I read Keychron's guidelines, but I haven't find any JSON file. I'll check that tomorrow. I really need it, because I found out I miss the Alt Gr key, and Powertoys doesn't allow me to add it. And with the ITA layout that means I can't do things such as € and @. Which is very annoying.


peter_picture OP t1_j19zwjj wrote

So, I bought a Wireless Keychron K6 65%, ISO UK layout because it was the only one left available. I am Italian, and I really wanted a new ISO ITA keyboard. For that, I decided to buy an Italian keycap set. Said set is stated to be compatible with K6 keyboards, and yet here are the Pgup and Pgdn keys too tall for the position in which they must be put.

Has this ever happened to anyone else? Should I contact Keychron to see if they can solve the issue? Or do you know if it's possible to remap a K6 with some third-party software? A quick research online showed me it is not possible with this specific model. Also, the symbol doesn't work. I should be able to input it with Alt Gr+E, but it doesn't work, even if I am using ITA layout on Windows.

Could anyone give me any advice?
