
ph4mp573r t1_jaenz4m wrote

>RaTG13 was just one of the COVID19-like samples they collected.

Name another. It's the only one with a direct relationship they ever found. Other teams have found similar since.

>We actually don't know what other similar genomes they found in the wild.

Yes we do. They published all their research in the open like most good scientific institutions.

>They used to publish a database of the genomes they found and worked with (though even then, some parts of the database were private). In September of 2019 they took the database offline.

They continued uploading all their sequences and research to both GenBank and Virological until December of 2020 when the CCP ordered them to stop due to Trump's rhetoric.

>What we do know is that in 2018 WIV proposed adding a furin cleavage site to a SARS-like corona virus. Two years later emerges COVID19, the only known SARS-like corona virus with a furin cleavage site.

Furin cleavage sites are a natural feature of multiple different coronaviruses:

Is all of this proof that there was no lab leak? No.

But it IS proof that you and many others continue to spread false narratives and misinformation in support of a politically motivated theory on the origin of COVID-19 which obfuscates legitimate attempts at finding the true origin.


ph4mp573r t1_jadpc7o wrote

The RaTG13 sample at Wuhan was from 2013 and was no longer live at the time SARS-COV-2 started spreading.

Before China stopped cooperating with the international community after being accused of being responsible for COVID the Wuhan lab regularly uploaded all it's sequences and results to public databases, they weren't working on any similar viruses at the time.

That should be the entire theory killed. But fear of secret bioweapons research gone awry keeps it alive.


ph4mp573r t1_j1nahhm wrote

I can't find any device on the market at that time. In fact the first device to market seems to have been in 1993, a few years before the SheWee.

However, there are two parents of interest in the right time period:

The second, from 1975 has the exact purpose as the SheWee, and it's patent expiration of 1993 coincides with such products hitting the market. It's theoretically possible the original inventor sold some small scale in the decades between 1975 and 1993, and the sudden adoption when the patent expires shows there was intetest, but no way to prove it that I can find.