
phasechanges t1_j6oakhv wrote

Interesting article but kind of amateurish IMO. FTA: "....height of 600km and extends to 6,000km....". Later in the same paragraph: " ...Space Station remains untouched and shielded in low-Earth Orbit at 230 miles....". Likewise the reference about 25,000 km/hr being "the optimal speed" actually just links to a grade school math exercise that mentions that speed.

Maybe I'm just having a bad day.


phasechanges t1_ivy4hyg wrote

Good info here, and a couple of other notes that might help you understand this mess....

  • The registration and the inspection dates are completely independent of each other. If you buy a new car in PA the inspection will expire the same time as the registration, but any other circumstances you have to keep track of that separately. You don't get any kind of reminder of the inspection due date.
  • In addition to the registration you'll also have to have proof of insurance for the inspection.

phasechanges t1_iumu6n2 wrote

Yep...this state has the most incomprehensible set of taxes and corrupt companies set up to do nothing but collect those taxes that I've ever seen. After 20+ years living here I still have not heard a good explanation of why there are local income taxes, occupational privelege tax, earned income tax, etc - it's almost as if it's designed to maximize income to well-connected tax collectors.