
philosophyofblonde t1_jeel28y wrote

I think you misunderstood what I was saying. I was being flippant but I was saying that I read because I don’t like being subjected to my OWN thinking and self-generated ruminations all day and I prefer to hear other people’s (printed) thoughts to avoid getting stuck in my own bubble. I don’t use written narratives to generate more hypothetical scenarios where something might be applicable — I read specifically to avoid it.


philosophyofblonde t1_jdtwlg2 wrote

  1. Shockingly, teenagers are interested in boning. See: high school.
  2. "staked together?" I wish I knew what this question means. I have no idea. I dunno man some people totally marry their high school sweethearts so....
  3. Welcome to: the resolution of the plot is beside the point. The point is the romance/betrayal/friendship-fest/coming-of-age/whatever

philosophyofblonde t1_jdduxah wrote

Just because you have internal narration doesn’t mean it moves at the same speed as regular speech. Normal speech is limited by the speed at which you can physically move your mouth, not by how fast you can comprehend words/parse meaning. My internal narration moves at roughly 2.5x-3x speed if I were to change my settings. Maybe even a bit higher. But at that speed it sounds garbled to actually listen to a sped-up recording. At the same time I adjust audio to at least 1.6 to 2.2 depending on how slow the narrator is, which is much closer to normal speaking speed than a dramatized narration. The speed at just the regular setting is intolerably slow to me, but I’m a fast talker and always have been.


philosophyofblonde t1_j5l600m wrote

You can use ereaderiq to alert you when titles go on sale. I like to have digital copies of books I already own in hard copy, and more often than not those books go on sale for $1.99 or $2.99 eventually. I also buy books that I borrowed from the library if I feel like I may want to read them again for whatever reason. Even if I don’t plan to read it again, I’ll buy the ebook at that price point just to give the author a little boost if I enjoyed it. At that price point you can be a lot more flexible, you just have to be patient.


philosophyofblonde t1_j3p98ov wrote

Pro tip: stop.

If your friend is telling you about something that happened to their Uncle Bob’s gerbil at Bob’s 3rd wedding, are you trying to score imaginary points with yourself by guessing what comes next while they’re talking to you? And then get mad if they surprise you? I’m guessing not.

If someone has a story to tell, let them tell it. Guessing what comes next accurately is something that happens after you’ve seen the same trope executed in different ways 100 times. It’s pattern recognition, and it’s utterly dependent on your sample size.