
phrogfixer46 t1_j64hain wrote

I know what you mean. Some idiot got aggressive and tried to intimidate me at the grocery store two weeks ago. He was a bit taller but definitely much more muscular. I knocked him out and laid him out cold as I walked away. I had a lot of witness and they all saw how cool and calm I was until he wouldn't leave me alone. We were waiting in a long line to pay. It started with him following me through the store because I supposedly got in his way and he didn't like the tone of "Excuse me" to grab something in front of him. He felt it was done with attitude. I saw him at the same grocery store yesterday and he couldn't look at me. He actually sped up and pretended to not see me despite making eye contact. 😂. I gave him two warnings and asked him to leave me alone. The third time he got in my face and I had to do a hard reset to reboot! He seems pretty humble now.


phrogfixer46 t1_j16qt9t wrote

Done if the most respectable people in this world are straight shooters and tell it like it is. I have always told people, if they want a straight answer without fluff, they can always come to me. You don't do justice beating around the bush. Just say, "Since you asked, the answer ia "yes"". That person can't blame you for being blunt if it's a straight closed-end question. You were just to simply answer with a "yes" or "no" answer. If that person didn't want a straight answer, the question would've been an open-end question, leaving you to explain. Just give what was asked and you'll be far more respected for it. A person that is not ready for the worst answer shouldn't be asking at all.


phrogfixer46 t1_itt3w96 wrote

Just say, "I decline to answer". Don't be a pushover. If you stand your ground and be firm with it, you don't have to justify yourself. You lose respect when you have to justify everything. It gives the inquirer room to further question you. Make a decision to not answer and stick with it. If it's your boss or coworker prying into your private life, you definitely don't have to say anything. You can just change the topic or say, "my private life is none of your business" and hold your ground. If it's work related, they need to give you a legitimate justification for asking and they should articulate why they are asking. If it's not a solid reason, just say "I need a better reason".