
phwe9774 t1_jed9wsf wrote

Everyone that's saying this is bad advice because fuck corporations or minimum wage minimum effort isn't paying attention and reading what OP actually said. They're saying to make the best of a bad situation and learn what you can while you're there, not to try and leverage a raise from a shitty boss, but to leverage more money from your next job.

Most people have at least one shitty job in their life, usually more than one. If you have a shitty job and you aren't actively looking for another job or taking steps to learn more skills to get a better job, you only have yourself to blame. Before anyone says companies should be forced to pay a living wage, I want you to ask yourself one question: what do you think is going to change first, your job or corporate pay policies?


phwe9774 t1_j1snudt wrote

Normally, not very long because you don't use the battery much except to start the engine. If you do anything to draw the battery down (listen to the radio or leave your lights on without the engine running), it only takes a few minutes if you have a good battery. If your battery is getting weak, it takes a little longer but still not very long


phwe9774 t1_itrsjld wrote

The first thing you should do is invest in yourself, you don't have to wait 10 years to start a career. Go back to school or learn a trade. Learn a skill that will allow you to earn more money.

After you start earning more money, start a savings account. Ideally, you'll have 3-6 months of expenses saved up. After that, you can really start investing in your future. I don't know if employers in the UK have retirement accounts like a 401k but that's an easy place to start and it's potentially free money. You can also do self funded investment accounts