
pichael288 t1_ixo1sa0 wrote

Hmmm I wonder how this works with TikTok? I see a fuckton of people on there faking conditions for attention, and people's reactions seem to be the opposite of this paper


pichael288 t1_iuhrls1 wrote

You should get a robot leg man. I was watching one of those videos with that cyborg girl, Tilly I think her name was. And then a guy with Adam Jenson arms showed up. It was really cool.


pichael288 t1_isyw2ux wrote

These video chat companies are the reason jails don't even have in person visits anymore. You have to do them on a tiny screen with a phone attached to it. They mandate this in their contracts. They do this to sell you visits at home as a sort of microtransaction to see your family if they can't make it during the 6 hour window on one day of the week. It's really scummy