
pickletype t1_jeadqrq wrote

Some people blame the D.C. City Council.

Some people blame Mayor Bowser.

Some people blame D.C. police.

Some people blame the U.S. attorney for D.C.

Those four parties all have the ability to directly address the crime problem in our city via policy decisions, effective policing, and prosecution of crimes. It's quite literally their job. But sure, let's pin the blame on users of the D.C. subreddit for not fixing these problems.


pickletype t1_je11g2r wrote

Good. They should be grilled. They're failing to satisfy the most important aspect of their job, which is keeping their constituents safe by enacting a policy agenda that is conducive to this outcome. Instead, they have done everything in their power to allow the criminal elements in our city to thrive while avoiding any responsibility for their role in it.