Also, I would suggest that is kind of the point of The Day the Librarians Disappeared. School libraries serve so many other roles: meeting spaces, learning commons, exploration/maker spaces, and just a safe space for students.
Maybe I am just waxing poetic, but I still see a need for school libraries. And a need for books, be they digital or physical. Current attempts to break down systems like libraries and classrooms are truly insidious.
playplaylearn OP t1_jaakub0 wrote
Reply to comment by ViskerRatio in The Day the Librarians Disappeared - We Can't Let This Story Come True! by playplaylearn
Oddly anti-book given the subreddit.
Also, I would suggest that is kind of the point of The Day the Librarians Disappeared. School libraries serve so many other roles: meeting spaces, learning commons, exploration/maker spaces, and just a safe space for students.
Maybe I am just waxing poetic, but I still see a need for school libraries. And a need for books, be they digital or physical. Current attempts to break down systems like libraries and classrooms are truly insidious.