
pm_me_CupNoodles t1_iupye88 wrote

seriously. I was at the food court about a year or so ago and I was randomly stopped by a young guy begging me to buy him something to eat from Popeyes, claiming he was hungry. I didn’t notice it immediately but I saw he was rocking a pair of Airpods, his clothes and sneakers looked decent. For some reason, I didn’t think much of it, likely since he asked for food and never asked me for money, but I couldn’t shake off the feeling something was just off about him. I said “sure,” but once we were there he took forever to decide what to order and I thought “this kid is likely just using me to get free food for whatever reason” so I say “wait for me, let me go to the bathroom” hoping I could lose him in the process. But when I got out of the restroom, the dude was waiting for me right outside the entrance. I made up my mind I was leaving after that, so I told him “sorry, I’m not buying you food”, he followed me briefly but never saw him again after leaving the mall. Has anyone had an encounter like that?