
pmizzle88 OP t1_jbsr4ev wrote

Reply to comment by ChUNkyTheKitty in Jury Duty - Grand Jury by pmizzle88

Yeah, it does seem really interesting and most internet responses from people that have done it seem to really enjoy the experience. If I didn’t have the unique situations I’m in, I think I would largely welcome it. Law has always interested me and it seems like sitting on a grand jury might be pretty neat.

I just don’t like how it is for so long. I don’t see how they can make you commit up to two years of your life and there is nothing you can do about it, especially when regular jury duty is so light in comparison. Seems like more of a punishment


pmizzle88 OP t1_jbpta1g wrote

Reply to comment by logdog131 in Jury Duty - Grand Jury by pmizzle88

How were the jury days? I’ve seen people comment on other posts stating federal grand juries were often quite interesting to sit on (it seems like you were federal from other comments). It seems like a trend as many people from other subreddits seem to enjoy their time overall.


pmizzle88 OP t1_jbpm8yo wrote

Reply to comment by toripearson_19 in Jury Duty - Grand Jury by pmizzle88

That makes sense. It would be very difficult to fill any jury if that was accepted as an excuse. It seems like grand juries are unique in the time commitment involved. I wonder how that differs from typical jury duty summons?