pogiguy2020 t1_jdmor3t wrote
Reply to comment by UsedToHaveThisName in TIFU By getting in an accident with my moms nice car by Glitterybubbles
Just dropped my 2010 Lexus at the repair shop. Front drivers side and rear drivers side damage. Not at fault and it seems that each area was going to be like 3K.
pogiguy2020 t1_jdln54w wrote
Well you are about to find out what is more important to your mom. The car or you?
I mean as long as my kid is OK the car can be fixed. From what you seem to say she might be different.
Just get ready for what is coming.
pogiguy2020 t1_jdlm9ld wrote
Reply to TIFU by going through my boyfriends phone by [deleted]
I hate to say this BUT you FU and violated your BFs trust in you as well. I guess you have no choice but to break up with him. Usually there is no way to rebuild trust especially when BOTH of you violated it.
pogiguy2020 t1_jdcsy63 wrote
Reply to TIFU By snooping through my wife's phone by [deleted]
Even if she says she doesnt talk to HIM anymore and IF she is still not talking to you as if she has as other mention checked out of your marriage, then you did not FU.
You simply found out the truth that she is not willing to be honest and tell you. Also if she does not want you on anything that means she is preparing for something which I would assume is divorce.
The one thing you did not mention is children and hopefully there are none so they dont have to go thru this process.
Honestly what do you have to lose by telling her? She will more than likely throw it back in your face as if it is your fault when in reality SHE is the one with those messages still on her phone. Stand your ground especially IF you have done nothing as she has done.
She is fully in the wrong IF she is the only one of you who is doing things outside the marriage.
pogiguy2020 t1_j62hgbv wrote
I hate even saying this, but they are not really your family. family does not do that to each other.
I dont have the magic answer, but try to learn to love yourself and not to need your family for anything but the basics of life.
I am so sorry you have to live like this.
pogiguy2020 t1_j2bxl5f wrote
Reply to comment by ReadditMan in TIFU by going on a Grindr date by FoldPsychological589
I will need more data to verify the science.
pogiguy2020 t1_j2br9sa wrote
Reply to comment by Earguy in TIFU by going on a Grindr date by FoldPsychological589
OK and only one person won the 1 billion dollar lottery. So they are the 1%, LOL
pogiguy2020 t1_j2boy84 wrote
Reply to TIFU by going on a Grindr date by FoldPsychological589
What you learned was a valuable life lesson. I dont know why people use these apps. It is only going to lead to trouble. The odds are against it turning out good.
You might have ended up in his dungeon
pogiguy2020 t1_j2bmcr6 wrote
Reply to TIFU by telling my gf’s three older brothers about how rough their sister likes it [FINAL UPDATE] by [deleted]
Next family gathering you stay away from the alcohol OK.
pogiguy2020 t1_j265cpl wrote
Reply to TIFU by trying to take my life by Flashy_Piglet_1781
I am going to start by saying if you are having problems with the negative thoughts PLEASE seek help.
Not going into a very long drawn out story, but when I was 25 I caused the divorce from my first wife/marriage. I was young and stupid.
I also did not handle it well emotionally and I tried to kill myself by taking sleeping pills. I actually tried twice and the second time I somehow slept off 32 sleeping pills that I downed with a beer.
I know it is very difficult to see any light right now, but please get help. I made it thru mine pretty much on my own. I was a mess for a pretty long time.
Eventually I did meet someone else and have been happily married for 27 years now.
pogiguy2020 t1_j1qwvjr wrote
Reply to TIFU By Steaming My Sinuses by HorselessCarousel
Thats what you get for having a saggy sack Santa.
pogiguy2020 t1_j1o194v wrote
Reply to TIFU by thinking I have to practice with a pro before having sex with my girlfriend by [deleted]
This hurts my eyes bro. I read the TLDR and damn man. It would have been better to have waited to be with your GF. Now you dont have one and you have other things you dont want.
pogiguy2020 t1_j1ewxli wrote
I think you are over thinking it all. It happened yes, but it was cuddling not full on sex.
You could both just come to the same understanding that it happened and leave it at that and nothing more.
pogiguy2020 t1_j12nlj5 wrote
Reply to TIFU by ordering a vibrator to my rental home and my landlord opened the package by [deleted]
If it was addressed with your name on it and they opened it, then they committed a felony.
pogiguy2020 t1_j0oklgw wrote
You did not run a red light on accident since you admit to speeding. You then hit a pole and was it damaged? If so then you leaving the scene of an accident and you damaged a light pole as well.
Any parts of your car missing? If so then they might be able to find out. Also someone else could have taken pics or photos and reported you to the police.
The good part is you now dont have a car so everyone else is safe for the time being.
pogiguy2020 t1_iyf7nts wrote
Reply to What would the US Government do if it was (t)asked to respond to this question? by 30isthenew29
a knock on your door
pogiguy2020 t1_iy9hu1e wrote
Reply to TIFU by lying about my age by [deleted]
If he is a smart man he will keep hands off since it can land him in jail or worse.
You want to know how to keep him from working with your mom? Tell your mom about him. LOL
You are 15 stop trying to be older and enjoy being young.
pogiguy2020 t1_iy4lenj wrote
Reply to comment by throwingfast144 in TIFU by asking my best friend out by throwingfast144
right down the road as in should have walked it or took an Uber/Lyft
pogiguy2020 t1_iy4lbi0 wrote
Reply to comment by throwingfast144 in TIFU by asking my best friend out by throwingfast144
The toughest thing possible. Its called the truth if you are man enough. tell her you had sex with your ex because you still have feelings for her.
You cannot undead someone so just stop driving when drunk. There are Uber/Lyfts etc
pogiguy2020 t1_iy4buon wrote
Reply to comment by ummmm--no in TIFU by asking my best friend out by throwingfast144
No prison when he kills someone driving drunk.
pogiguy2020 t1_iy4brfd wrote
Reply to TIFU by asking my best friend out by throwingfast144
The first thing you need to do is get help with your drinking problem. yes it is a problem since you drove drunk twice without care for anyone else safety. Stop before you kill someone.
You need to tell your friend you are an idiot and tell her the truth and I am sure that will solve it with her. She deserves someone much better than you.
You should go back to your crazy EX I think you both deserve each other.
Honestly get help before your life really goes down the drain. You are going to kill someone it is only a matter of time.
pogiguy2020 t1_iwe33uw wrote
I am sorry to tell you and to be the one to slide the knife deeper into that heart of yours, BUT you had your chance and let her get away TWICE.
So this is officially a TWICE IFU and you have learned your lesson. Time to move on since she found someone who makes her happy.
You are 19 and you have plenty of life ahead of you. You will meet someone else eventually and dont FIU this time.
pogiguy2020 t1_iudwnar wrote
Reply to TIFU by losing a friend by [deleted]
The person who started the rumor is not a friend. You have two choices really. how much do you like this young lady?
Step ONE would be to go to this so called friend and tell them they have only one choice and that is to go to her and admit they started the rumor and take full responsibility. IF they do not then you need to make them. Sorry I would say more, but I just got off a 3 day ban for supposedly saying something violent. LOL
Step TWO is to realize sometimes life sucks and you move on. If she truly does not believe you or can forgive you than she is not worth the time or trouble to even, try. Could you imagine being in a relationship with her? She may be some kind of crazy jealous type or worse.
pogiguy2020 t1_iuc4f9d wrote
Im not trying to be down on anyone, but you never mentioned your ages. To me yes you guys have issues you both are dealing with, but this seems like some kind of teenage relationship issue.
I mean there seems to be quite a bit of immaturity. Just say that you are sorry and that you will give him some time and dont talk over text about it. Something like this would be better to talk face to face. It is hard to FEEL someone thru a text message.
pogiguy2020 t1_jdmouo0 wrote
Reply to comment by Glitterybubbles in TIFU By getting in an accident with my moms nice car by Glitterybubbles
next time make your brother do it. LOL sorry