
politics_junkieball t1_jedawrk wrote

Im sorry this happened to you. Racist incidents can stick with you and be impactful (negative or positive), and I really hope that it doesnt stick with you for long and impact your self worth. Just remember, and I’m sure you know this, you’re not below anyone. The aggressor/racist was a shit head and unstable. I’m glad you’re safe though because the fact that he followed is scary even if you’re with a friend at a crowded place. I hope he gets caught some day if not soon.


politics_junkieball t1_iy1zz6j wrote

The drivers here in DC really don’t care about pedestrians. I always am just glad I made it to the sidewalk. Im tired of…

  • cars blocking the crosswalk when there is a redlight (like youre not going anywhere anyways)
  • cars rolling into stop signs. Please do a complete stop
  • cars cant wait to turn left while pedestrians are crossing so when they can, they literally turn so close to your body
  • drivers blaming pedestrians when they obviously fucked up
  • cars not slowing down until the very last minute
  • as a walker, I’ve seen plenty of drivers on their phones. This is DANGEROUS.

I moved from a traffic heavy area where driving sucks, but i personally think it’s worse here because it seems as if drivers are just aggressive and have literally no clue pedestrians have the right of way (and even when they dont, the cars need to stop). There’s just not enough safe drivers out here and good practices in DC.


politics_junkieball t1_ix2pl26 wrote

I 100% feel this. Glad to see a post like this up. DC drivers suck so much. Today, I had a guy rolling his car towards me while I was crossing the stop sign. I stoppef and gave him a look, his car still rolling got so close. Shitty ass drivers.