
polymorphicprism t1_j9f0wm2 wrote

Because what exists now is akin to an artificial stream of music. They can program guidelines for beats per minute. They can tell it to favor mimicking happy songs or songs people reported liking. It is a flaw of the listener to assume the jukebox is sentient or that it wants to accomplish its own goals. There's nothing to fool. Everybody who is working on this understands this (except the Google guy that lost perspective and got himself fired).


polymorphicprism t1_izesr36 wrote

See this article about a 3x world champion.

> I asked Goff about any major falsehoods or betrayals that helped him in his victories. He paused to think, then said in his soft-spoken way: “Well, there may have been a few deceptive omissions on my part but, no, I didn’t tell a single outright lie the entire tournament.”