
poohfan OP t1_je50lfh wrote

One of the questions I was thinking of asking, is how much Jane would have been looked down upon, in Rochester's social setting. She was a penniless governess, who ends up with the lord of the manor. I like your line of thinking though....those are some very good thoughts!! Thanks!!


poohfan t1_j6ikxhz wrote

Reply to comment by hosehoseee in Barbra Streisand (1970s) by ShoKKa_

They kind of are. I can't remember exactly which of her movies this is a still from, (I want to say "The Owl & The Pussycat") but in the movie, she's wearing a baby doll type dress, that has hands on the boob part of it, as the print.


poohfan t1_irx2odf wrote

Technically, they never specifically set out to murder Tate. The house belonged to Terry Melcher, who Manson had a grudge against, for refusing to produce his album. Tate & Polanski were renting it from Melcher, but Manson didn't know that. Tate & her friends were really just in the wrong place at the wrong time, because the group was supposed to kill Melcher.