
pornplz22526 t1_jdineek wrote

Reply to comment by Choice_Mistake759 in Toxic book fans by sunforthemoon

I mean, part of the problem really is the insistence that your taste is objectively superior. You can criticize something while still acknowledging that your opinion is only that, and without using combative language that alienates people of differing tastes.

From this comment, it seems like you're too far to the other extreme.


pornplz22526 t1_jdiln7s wrote

I guess I feel the same... if somebody tells me what to read or watch, I likely never will in part because it feels like an expectation. On the other hand, I still keep a Goodreads going because I sometimes check things out based on what my friends are reading. We don't ever actually communicate on that platform, but it's in some ways almost like a quiet conversation is still going on.