
positive_bias t1_jef88r7 wrote

Everything in the world is infected with bacteria. Wait until you hear what the inside of your pockets are filled with, or door handles, cups at restaurants, etc.

Sure, if something specific arises I’ll clean my phone, but common every day bacteria is the least of my worries.

In fact, over sanitizing leads to stronger, more resistant bacteria.


positive_bias t1_jdt6u0a wrote

As a last ditch effort try doing a hard reboot/reset of the phone. It won’t erase your data and it has saved me a couple times when I thought for sure my phone had died. Black, unresponsive, no reaction to anything.

I’ve pointed a couple of people towards this with symptoms identical to yours and it saved it. You may have to hold the power button down for 10-15 seconds during the last step.
