
potatoyeeze t1_jefqjvj wrote

I view myself as a semi-lucid dreamer. I kinda made the term up in my head (may be a real thing who knows)

But without fail I know when I’m dreaming, and I can wake myself up from that dream. It’s weird, I feel like my eyes are as heavy as bricks. Even though I am “seeing” in my dream I can tell my eyes are closed. I just try really hard to open my eyes and then snap! I’m out of the dream.

I’ve definitely tried to control stuff when I realize I’m dreaming but I haven’t yet


potatoyeeze t1_jeb78l6 wrote

Hey thanks for making me laugh today! This is honestly hilarious. I cannot tell if you are trolling to not. I want to be optimistic but I really don’t think you are.

But let me make this simple for you: “being British” isn’t a group [of people], marginalized or otherwise. “Being British” is a state. The British” is a group [of people].

To follow… what?? Made the typo on purpose so people would point them out and then you could call them stupid? Objectively, that makes no sense. You think you’re pulling a ‘gotcha’ but in reality you just got pissed someone called you out for terrible spelling and grammar. You are the living embodiment of the “well achktually” meme.