
potpro t1_jab3zzd wrote

A day doesn't go by that i don't see a cyclist running a red.. rolling through a stop.. right at red light when it says "no right on red".. or a variety of moving violations. I would say it's a bad apple that spoils the bunch but more like 50 apples spoil 200.

I will say if we had bike lanes throughout the busier cities and suburbs... we would all be 1000% better off.

The one thing that should be illegal is cyclists in a 45-50+. Uphill, going 20? Someone is going to die and 99/100 it won't be the Ford 350 that just changed lanes.


potpro t1_iscjjej wrote

Makes me feel sad he will never get to hunt so he has to practice breaking ice this way.

..but everyone else keep up the "look at the cute derpy huggable animal!"
