
presleymoore101 t1_j276c8z wrote

I don’t usually set goals in a time frame of each new year. I have a goal and I stick to it year by year until I accomplish it. Most people fail at New Years resolutions is because they wait to make a change, if your serious you’d start now.

But if I had to choose I would say start meditating more.


presleymoore101 t1_isayx2v wrote

Easy Peasy Method saved me from 7 year Porn addiction. In my life age 13-19 I had beat weed, heroin, cocaine, nicotine.

It took me 3 years of failing to slay the dragon of Porn. Then one day I found EasyPeasy completely doubting that it would work. I tried everything, so how likely was it that this last resort was going to work. And it did.

I read the book 5 times to ensure the brainwashing and read the hacknotes. Ever since then I've been free from this wretched curse. Quitting Porn was my rite of passage. Now my next battle is mastering the art of sexual transmutation #celibacy.