
pretendperson1776 t1_j8a29t1 wrote

I think this is a difficult question to answer. The immune system isn't like a muscle, where it really only does one job. You've eliminated the primary defense from your question (skin, cilia, mucus), but the secondary, innate system and the tertiary, adaptive system, all have a large number of roles.

  1. Anti- bacteria
  2. Anti- fungal
  3. Anti-viral
  4. Anti- parasitic
  5. Anti-cancer

Your immune system's ability do deal with any of those things has a lot of variables (nutrition and genetics to some extent). Your innate system will use different cells for each of those pathogens. Your adaptive response will vary to a large degree as well.


pretendperson1776 t1_j6ly5vn wrote

I had the opportunity to read some palliative medicine books at one point. Something that was brought up frequently was hoe a sense of helplessness and other negative emotions could heighten the perception of pain. I didn't look at the year of publication, but it didn't seem like a new book. I don't imagine these Cannabis findings are a surprise to anyone in the game of reducing suffering in humans.


pretendperson1776 t1_j2cvmpi wrote

Violet has the shortest wavelength, so the greatest chance to interact with a more dense medium. This slows it more than blue, which is more than green... you get the idea.

Hitting straight on you wouldn't notice, but at an angle, it causes the light to bend (think of driving a car, then slowing the left wheels more than the right, the car will turn).

Because the Violet portion bends the most, it ends up on one end, and the red (which bends the least) ends up on the other.


pretendperson1776 t1_j1or2gj wrote

Waves, when moving from one medium (material type) to another, will bend if they strike at an angle. They will bend one way if moving unto a less dense medium, the other way if entering a more dense medium. Earthquakes generate massive waves in the earth. By measuring how long those waves take to reach different seismographs (tools for measuring Earthquakes), scientists can determine how the wave moved through the earth, and through that path, the density of the materials the waves moved through.

Temperature data is hypothesized based on the material we know the upper mantle to be made of (from lava) and its density and then supported by deep holes we have dug, where thr Temperature increases in a fairly linear manner.


pretendperson1776 t1_iuzuove wrote

Trees, yes. Forrests, maybe not how you are thinking. Theyare referred to as "stochastic". Trees fall, other species move in for a bit, old tree type returns. Fire wipes out a patch, grasses, followed by bushes reclaim, but the Trees come back. Over a long enough time scale, because of Tectonic motion, the Trees may end up at a latitude they are not well adapted to. The forests that once grew on the land thar is now Antarctica certainly got well and truly screwed.