
prettyprtyprtygood t1_jad2zfx wrote

It's pretty clear that we aren't experiencing stagflation. In stagflation, the inflation rate has to keep increasing even as growth slows, and stagflation is specifically characterized by high unemployment and high inflation at the same time.


Unemployment is low, inflation rate is decreasing as growth slows, and the inflation adjusted GDP is still growing. The only argument for stagflation is that everyone is lying about everything and that the government is controlled by lizard people.


prettyprtyprtygood t1_j9jthlz wrote

I love how engineers think that everyone should be an engineer, but pretty much every engineer I've ever worked with is a miserable SOB that can't solve people problems and can't wrap their massive brain around the concept that their way isn't always the right way to do something. This screw might be the right screw to use for that rigid shaft coupling, but your life choices aren't the right life choices for everyone.


prettyprtyprtygood t1_iyacgr9 wrote

CLNE is not new technology or a breakthrough in any way. It has been a legal requirement of all landfills to collect landfill gas for over 20 years and either burn it to make electricity or sell it. CLNE just rebranded an old technology so they would appear to be "Clean Energy". CLNE is a company that sells natgas for trucks, and they happened to have contracts to buy landfill gas. This started out as a greenwashing scam by an oil company, and now it has turned into a spun off stock that is a meme stock.


Please explain the upside?