
prion t1_jdz18zc wrote

Whether we reach AGI or not the implications of what we already have are staggering once they are fully deployed.

All customer service jobs - GONE

Dramatically less need for assistances in medical and law.

Dramatically less need for child care, teaching, farming, yard work, house keeping, elder care, etc.

We are going to see a dramatic decrease in needed humans for gainful employment.

I would like to point out that neither business nor government have a plan to replace those jobs that are going to disappear in the next 10-20 years nor do we have any industries that are able to scale up and absorb available workers.

The impact on individual lives as well as the economy due to decreased consumption and massive defaults on car, home, and personal loans as well as the increase in homelessness and the stress on the social safety net will create a perfect storm if something is not put in place to redistribute the economic power of those businesses who replace human labor with automated labor.

And to be honest, they need to. It will dramatically most all aspects of the businesses that implement it. BUT,

Humans have to be cared for and must be considered first before the enrichment of business due to the ability to eliminate human labor. This is not negotiable. It can't be.

The outcome will be massive civil unrest if we try to do it any other way.

Massive civil unrest that will lead to civil war and if the US goes into civil war we will be fighting an unwinnable war on three fronts. Russia will invade from the East, and China from the west. Meanwhile our security forces will be fighting an internal war against their friends, their families, their neighbors, and their fellow citizens of the nation. And I'm betting that few in our military will be willing to kill people who are homeless and starving just so a minority class can get even richer.

Most people are not that heartless.


prion t1_jdula3y wrote

I think we are further from that than you might think but it can certainly be accomplished with the right plugins, the right libraries, and enough replacement parts to last until new replacements can be found or created.

The important part of this would be to create a rebuilding plan that can survive failures with one technology or another and come up with workarounds.


prion t1_ja4d3o4 wrote

More and more of us are caring less and less what "law makers" want. They either work for the general welfare or they can get the fuck out of the way and we will do it.

And I'm serious here. Have you taken a hard look at what one of the two parties are concerned with?

People playing adult dress up?

Christian Nationalism?

Censoring journalists?

Banning certain fields of studies in colleges?

They become more irrelevant every time they open their fucking nasty ass mouths.

A tripping point will be reached and something like Rome will occur. Except this time it will be the majority leaving them on their ass and forming a coalition with them excluded.


prion t1_j9t3y1h wrote

Americans do not need another subscription and that is what leasing is.

What they need is a 25k EV that is capable of being paid off, has batteries that last longer than 3-4 years, and is capable of being maintained at the local garage.

Lithium-ion is not going to get us there. Perhaps iron-air will.


prion t1_j9cyv1h wrote


How about this for consideration.

Progressive taxation as follows

1 house - Regular property tax

2 homes - 200% property tax on each home

3 homes - 300% property tax on each home



Same taxation regulations on individuals or businesses

This will lead to very few people owning more than 2 homes while still allowing for the buying and selling of homes and people to move freely throughout the world as they see fit.

It will also prevent real estate investing from incentivizing the increasing of prices in the name of profits rather than the only legitimate reason for increasing prices which is increases in costs.

Your in the right ballpark, you are just on the wrong base