
pro_conser333 t1_ixa9no4 wrote

Reply to comment by kier00 in WTF Vermont by matapuwili

So I guess we only can post about securing rights to murder babies, pics of mushrooms and the chickens we own on farms? We mustn’t allow anyone to actually ask a question because it’s a conspiracy.


pro_conser333 t1_ix32292 wrote

My husband and I worked for a local motel during COVID and we were fired for asking to be paid minimum wage. We have an ongoing lawsuit against the owner for sexual discrimination, sexual harassment and a federal wage case. They are also being investigated for the deplorable conditions of the rooms. These local motels are being paid handsomely and treating the employees and guests as second class citizens. We have a lawyer in Williston that is amazing and a lawyer in Florida that specializes in these kinds of cases.


pro_conser333 t1_ix01hnu wrote

Reply to comment by brymandog in Vermont Native by brymandog

I’m originally from Massachusetts and landlords there are extremely greedy. I lived in the same apartment for almost 10 years and paid $900 a month for a 2 bedroom. He sold the building 6 months before we moved to Vermont. The new landlord immediately raised the rent to $1,200 and said in 3 months it would be going up to $1,500. We moved before the second rent hike. My mom passed away from cancer 1 year ago. She had state housing and paid $200 for the remainder of her rent per month. She lived there for 15 years. After she passed away I contacted her landlord and his exact words were, “I’m sorry for your loss, could you send me her portion of the rent.” Massachusetts landlords have no heart. I’m sorry you are dealing with this. So many Vermont residents are dealing with people that are not in love with Vermont and the ideas we hold dearly.


pro_conser333 t1_ix005nx wrote

I have definitely seen a change in the attitude of people shopping in stores and the behavior on the roads. I said to my husband that you can tell a lot of people from Massachusetts have recently moved here because of how aggressive a lot of the drivers are. We are from Massachusetts but have lived here for awhile but left to get away from all of that. I’m starting to feel a different vibe and it makes me sad because I love Vermont and don’t want it to be like other states. It’s different here. It’s funky and I don’t feel like I’m constantly being judged.


pro_conser333 t1_iwtz7ie wrote

No thank you. I have a job that I love and would definitely not like being up all hours of the day and night during a storm. Maybe the plow drivers that are working could do their job rather than sitting in parking lots. Last winter my husband and I slid down a icy snowy hill along with several other cars and saw several plows just sitting there with drivers drinking coffee and smoking cigarettes. Waiting for the storm to stop is not typically the way to handle snow removal.

EDIT: My husband was a plow driver for Massachusetts and was paid very well. He wouldn’t even think of climbing into a plow truck for the state of Vermont for the money they pay. Pay low wages, get shitty drivers. Pay prevailing wages, get great drivers.


pro_conser333 t1_iwklvga wrote

Your wife is right. My family has been here for 6 years and Vermont is the worst at plowing roads. Montpelier the capitol city has left roads unplowed for days after a storm. I was involved in a car accident because of unplowed roads a few years ago because another driver couldn’t stop his car at the red light of a major intersection. MA, NY, CT and NH all do a better job than here. And good luck to those residents that live in rural Vermont because state plows like to pretend those roads don’t exist in a snowstorm.


pro_conser333 t1_iucy949 wrote

People like you are disgusting. You twist the truth to make it likeable to you. I asked a simple question. If liberals can rip up and light signs on fire, I should be able to remove the ones I find disagreeable, correct? Instead of anyone answering my question, you attack me with lies. I am a happy person with lots of loving people in my life. My daughter is hurting because of jealous girls teasing her who are liberal jerks that have been taught by their parents to make fun of those with different beliefs. It’s sad that those who preach tolerance and co exist have no idea what that means.


pro_conser333 t1_iucxvvg wrote

Never once have I posted a screenshot making fun of a customer. You are lying and you know it. Most of my customers are regulars and have been for over 2 years. I am very professional and treat everyone with respect. It just goes to show how liberals will avoid answering a direct question. I feel sad for you.


pro_conser333 t1_itnb1b0 wrote

That’s what I was thinking. It sounds a lot like Enosburg. When I drove through there for the first time when my husband had to pick up a truck in Richford I thought it looked like a town frozen in time.