
probablywrongbutmeh t1_ixb477a wrote

>By the end of an hour, she was told she didn’t belong at a Catholic school and that “I would be a perfect fit for a public school like Patapsco High School,” the Baltimore County teen recalled.

I mean, harsh, but she was there on a scholarship per the article and they are a private religious school, so technically correct if you dont want to follow their beliefs/rules.

I take it there may have been more behind the story with the parents and past interactions.

Real shame the girl has to suffer in any way for this, but I think much of the blame lies with the parents. That said, not a fan of religious schools myself anyway despite their number in Baltimore.


probablywrongbutmeh t1_iwzi1mz wrote

Ive hunted deer my whole life and can honestly say I hate the act killing them.

If I didnt though, theyd overpopulate and starve, cause ecological destruction.

Its a benefit that I can eat them, but I have never once felt joy at killing any animal, especially if it wasnt a perfectly placed shot. I think most people I hunt with probably feel the same way.