
proballynotaduck t1_j7g5y8b wrote

Oh it's a very low bar, it's also one of the only positives I can say about an area where rent is under $1k. The town I live in in particular only has a pizza shop and a post office. Door dash and Uber don't come out this far. We only have one internet provider. I can list cons all day living 20 or so minutes from Walmart (and other stores) and the absolute peace and quiet over here are really two of the only pros besides the low rent


proballynotaduck t1_j2urzfk wrote

Its pretty much like y'all. Just addressing more than one person, although sometimes it sounds odd in places y'all would be okay. Like "Hi y'all" fine "Hi youse" not as.much. in place of that I'll just drop the youse or use something else. But I do use it alot still like "how.youse doing" or alot of the times if I want both my kids to do something I'll tell them ,"youse need to do (whatever)" or sometimes "youse two" it feels wierd typing it out because it's not something I ever use in text but it's just to me the plural form of you like cookies is more than one cookie youse is more than two people