
processedmeat t1_je9p8xr wrote

Seems there is a 1 year gap where pan was in the public domain. Could I make a Peter pan story based on the characters in the gap and be in the clear or was the law retroactively applied?


processedmeat t1_j5ua0cy wrote

Even if the railroad didn't have a union you should still support them in getting better working conditions.

Being conservative or liberal is irrelevant. Pro union or anti union is doesn't matter. Labor deserves better working conditions.

With Biden supporting the company over the workers he is supporting management over labor. It signals the next company that the government will have their back in the next dispute.


processedmeat t1_j5u79j1 wrote


>Reread what I said. I didn't justify anything.

Also you

>Anyone that has ever worked in the cab of a locomotive or on the ground in a yard knows that the workforce is EXTREMELY conservative. They honestly don't deserve any help in that industry.

If someone is pro labor they should support labor no matter the political leanings of the majority of people in the field.