
proximity_account t1_j3fqal7 wrote

> Yeah, you completely lost me. Don't lay out "facts" like this,

Yeah, people like you who don't know history tend not know what's coming.

> your main source of propaganda is US mainstream

I actually don't watch any US media other than listening to NPR for US politics. Maybe some AP news sneaks in there occasionally.

Where do you get your news? Russian state television?

> you seemingly have little to no understanding of what's been going on in that particular region in the best part of last 100 years.

I'd say I understand it pretty well. A lot of what I understand comes from people that actually lived there.


proximity_account t1_j3f9ojn wrote

It's more a matter of known numbers in a short time under war vs unknown numbers over a long time under an authoritarian government. The Kremlin doesn't exactly publish the number of people it throws out windows, etc; most authoritarian regimes don't.

And if mass Graves in Izium, Bucha, and possibly Mariupol are just the tip of the Iceberg of what Russia might want to do to Ukrainians, things can go bad real fast. It took 4 years to kill six million Jews and 100 days to kill 500,000 Rwandans.

How long do you think it will take Putin, who thinks Ukrainine/Ukrainians shouldn't exist and constantly paints them as sub-human Nazis, to kill more than the ~50-200k people that have died during the war before something if anything finally stops him?


proximity_account t1_j3ehd2p wrote

>It's just another inconvenient fact about why an SIS in isolation, rather than as part of an actual contingency management program, doesn't do much other than further blight the location its in.

I don't much about how SIS works in the US.

Are there any proposals for SIS that function only as pure SIS? Don't they usually help connect addicts to rehab resources?

There's also harm reduction. The opioid epidemic is going to get worse regardless and I don't think SIS is gonna make people inject more opioids than the addiction will make them inject. At least maybe we can get less people getting raped.


proximity_account t1_j3eebae wrote

>You are also comparing spending money on saving people's lives to spending money to have more people die).

Kind of depends on your perspective there. I imagine a lot more Ukrainians would be dead by torture and execution by Russians if it weren't for military support from the West.