
pseudohipster98 t1_jeh24jv wrote

I said “can mean,” not “does mean” - societal issues are 100% the root cause, but given we can’t change broken systems overnight maybe we should focus on at least licensing and regulating instruments that can kill in an instant until we do?

I’m from Texas, my dad taught me to shoot and how to safely handle and use a gun. There’s a spectrum between “well-regulated militia“ and absolute chaos and we’re currently way too far towards the latter at the moment.


pseudohipster98 t1_j9yya27 wrote

As someone who works adjacent to the undergrad population I can tell you the level of drinking has remained the same, more so that going to a bar and paying premiums for drinks has become less appealing. A massive liquor store at 43rd and Chestnut in the new development there opened last year and it’s always hopping when I walk home from work, same goes for other stores near campus. Kids are just buying in bulk and having parties/hangouts on campus rather than going to bars.