
pup12345 t1_ix9ojfg wrote

Tried and true in the south and places with more year round temperate climates. Check out Mutts Canine Cantina as a great example. Vaccinations/neutering is required and every dog has a profile, membership, and must check in at arrival.

The bottom line is, if your dog does not enjoy playing with other dogs, you simply do not bring them here.


pup12345 t1_iu4p7qz wrote

I mean this with zero snark- which suburbs have you explored?

Wayne, Media, Ardmore, West Chester, Bryn Mawr, Doylestown, Collingswood, Haddonfield, to name a few, have great, authentic “Main Streets” with amazing restaurants. Valley Forge National Park sits just north of the Main Line.

Just curious! :)