
puttinonthefoil t1_jab8avp wrote

You need to start paying attention to the weekly grocery ad and planning your meals for the week based on what’s on sale. When a favorite protein is on sale, buy extra and put some in the freezer.

I think my average for 2 is less than half yours. Primarily Aldi, with Safeway/TJs for the occasional other item.


puttinonthefoil t1_ja4rqbf wrote

It really is not.

It’s open if you have a dog and a dog pass, but you can’t just show up and walk through there.

I’ve grown to find that place really annoying, I would love to walk around in there and you can’t.

I got tossed out one day last year when it was snowing hard, and people were all in there walking their dogs and whatnot, so I just strolled in only to be confronted by a security guard.


puttinonthefoil t1_ja4r7m4 wrote

What about him makes you think he’d act like an asshole about Drax?

Everything I’ve ever seen from him in interviews shows him to be grateful to have gotten such an opportunity as a very green actor, and a desire to become a better actor and work with other genres and directors.

I’m not paid, I just like Bautista, man. I think he makes fairly interesting choices vs. his contemporaries (ie, The Rock), and I think he has actual talent.

This movie was just fine, compared to his others (it reminded me of Arnold’s kids comedies). And people like Anna Faris, too! Why is this so hard to believe?


puttinonthefoil t1_j9v59jx wrote

I think the success of films like 80 for Brady and The Lost City proves this is a completely wrong line of logic.

Just because the studios have convinced themselves it's true, doesn't mean it is.

People only go see spectacle movies in theaters because there aren't many choices to be made on that front anymore.