
pyphus t1_iw6ho58 wrote

My bar just bought four Samsung Terrace outdoor TVs at almost $5k a piece. One of them is already toast. A security guard was helping stow the chairs at the end of the night and barely tapped the TV with the leg of a chair, and now there’s an 8” black ribbon from top to bottom of the screen. Samsung sent some bozos out to look at it and they said “It’s not covered”. Even if you sign up for Samsung Care+, the TV still wouldn’t have been covered. I’m still scrambling to find some way to protect the Other three TVs. I’m still skeptical that the tiny gap created by two pieces of velcro, holding a 1/4 or even a 1/2 inch piece of acrylic plexiglass would protect the screen from a decent impact, like that chair, or say a drunken guest throwing a bottle or glass at the TV. (People do that). I learned later that Samsung offers business accounts, where a business can pay a monthly fee to have Samsung provide TVs and replace them when necessary. We’re talking about hotels and such -say 60 TVs for the whole business. Need help!