
pyrotek1 t1_je87zcr wrote

I am in favor of the metric system and use it often. What I see happening during any types of conversion is that we lose something in the conversion. Same price / lower amount, however, you don't see it easily without a calculator. Examples:

We keep our rooms at 20°C, this is 68°F, a little cool for me.

2 dollars per liter, this is $8/ gallon ( rounded)

2 kilos would be sold in place of 5 pounds loosing (600 grams or 1.3 pounds)

Speed Limit 110 km/hr is 68 MPH (rounded)

We should do this and be educated so that we know what we are getting.


pyrotek1 t1_j6lheal wrote

If the objective of a movie is to feel as though you have escaped reality for even a few minutes. Avatar does a good job of catching the minds eye and holding it. Much of the story is a foreign environment this holds the eye and allows your mind to hold on to the story.

The story is Fern Gulley, an older animated video and graphic novel.


pyrotek1 t1_j2py3em wrote

I suggest an attorney. If I were dealing with it. Subpoena the officer and any notes or records from the incident. You may need to submit the request to the judge. Snohomish county is better than most. If they missed any item on the form or miswrote the plate number, note this. If the subpoena was proper and the officer does not show, the judge is likely to dismiss it.


pyrotek1 t1_izo86ip wrote

The coast is nice in the winter. There are not many people going to the coast. Longbeach, Westport, ocean shores. Take some warm clothes and go walk on the beach. Watch the storms blow in. Get some clam chowder or fish and chips at the beach.