
qiltb t1_j3rtr6a wrote

Be sure to check logs (i.e. dmesg for starters). Many A100s on AWS for example suffer from memory corruptions which leads to severe degradation in performance. Also check temps.

A single A100 (even the least capable one - 400W with 40GB) should be more of a level of 3090Ti.

You also need to check memory usage (if it's on a limit - like 78.9/80 - there's a problem somewhere). Also don't exclude drivers.

Those are some common headaches when setting up remote GPU instances for DL...


qiltb t1_j3kjvki wrote

I actually works very well with ADD2PSU connector (used like 5 PSUs for one 14x3090 rig). He should actually think more of getting 1600W HIGH QUALITY PSU.

Corsair RM series IS NOT SUITABLE for workload you are looking for. Use preferrably AXi series or HXi if you really want to cheap out. We are talking about really abusing those PSUs. AX1600i is still unmatched for this usecase.