
qmz007 OP t1_j6f9lgd wrote

Fair point. I need to explain better, remember I come from speakers more than headphones.

Many amps/speakers I have listened to can lose the front/primary vocal in the imaging/soundstage. The real strong systems do a better job of separating that vocal and placing it in front of everything else, so you get a wide soundstage with the perception of the vocalist being front middle. Obviously the recording has to be done right, but this is one of the things I look for in higher end systems.


qmz007 OP t1_j6f8i9j wrote

Thank you. I'm learning a lot about these headphones. There are a zillion balanced cables out there, I'll add that to my list once I figure out how I drive these.

I'm considering the NAIM Uniti Atom since it can stream, drive speakers, has a great DAC, and is good with headphones. I use Tidal HiFi as my source, and that is a good match also.