
quidpropron t1_j8jbo79 wrote

For the lazy, Wikipedia:

>In the Vedic religion, Ṛta (/ɹ̩ta/; Sanskrit ऋत ṛta "order, rule; truth; logos") is the principle of natural order which regulates and coordinates the operation of the universe and everything within it. In the hymns of the Vedas, Ṛta is described as that which is ultimately responsible for the proper functioning of the natural, moral and sacrificial orders. Conceptually, it is closely allied to the injunctions and ordinances thought to uphold it, collectively referred to as Dharma, and the action of the individual in relation to those ordinances, referred to as Karma – two terms which eventually eclipsed Ṛta in importance as signifying natural, religious and moral order in later Hinduism. Sanskrit scholar Maurice Bloomfield referred to Ṛta as "one of the most important religious conceptions of the Rigveda, going on to note that, "from the point of view of the history of religious ideas we may, in fact we must, begin the history of Hindu religion at least with the history of this conception"


quidpropron t1_j7ihy3b wrote

There's 2 places I've seen it first hand, restaurants and auto shops. When you have a mechanic/chef that can consistently pump out the work of like six people, and nothing seems to faze them, almost like they're anticipating every mistake and misfortune. There's a way of sort of lengthening the duration in a flow state, but the stress and pressure have to be something that actually pushes you. The people I've seen, know the basic tasks/jobs like muscle memory. They know exactly how many steps, and and what's the shortest amount of time each step needs to take. So then they can throw in multiple repairs/dishes into one seamless flow where they're constantly in motion, where they're uninterruptedly cranking out of finished products on top of the required prep work. Of course, this is a lot easier in both those situations when you're working as part of a team.

There's a difference, imho, between doing it with routine tasks you've already mastered, and learning something novel. An issue I'm seeing with a lot of Gen Y-er's is the lack of appreciation for silence and purposeful contemplation that's required to actually get a handle on a learning curve. Your point is valid, there's no use in a flow state if you don't have the capacity to maintain and utilize it.