
random20190826 t1_j5x9lou wrote

Chinese citizen = not American citizen due to Section 9 of China's nationality law. In immigration law, convicted felons are, in theory, deportable. Based on this logic, Mr Zhao could be deported to China. But in practice, his deportation is not likely, as he will serve life in prison in California.

In the event he is deported, because he murdered other Chinese nationals, it may make him eligible for the death penalty in China.


random20190826 t1_j1wufsz wrote

Fellow GTA resident here. On December 23, the day started as a rainy day, barely above freezing. Then, things got bad, with the snow and wind. I am WFH, but my mother and sister work outside the home. School was cancelled for all kids in York Region on that day.

You know what I was terrified of? If the power went out, we would have been dead. I don't have a backup generator, and even though I have a gas-based heating system, the controls run on electricity. If the power goes out, no amount of gas can heat my home. Fortunately, the power was never disrupted.

In storms like this, things that cause mass deaths are power outages and car accidents. Low visibility due to blowing snow. Car crashes haven taken multiple lives in multiple states and in BC.


random20190826 t1_izpc4dz wrote

China's lockdowns are definitely the reason why they don't have a lot of inflation (no one spends money when they are forced to be unemployed even though they are ready, willing and able to work). What I want to know is, what is China's future inflation outlook when it is actively losing people (i.e. there are more people dying than being born). Are they going to experience deflation because the housing market crashes nationwide due to a complete lack of demand, or raging inflation because there will be more jobs available than there are workers as the population falls off a cliff? Given China's racist society, importing large number of immigrants is not going to happen under any circumstances.


random20190826 t1_ixqesk7 wrote

The biggest problem with living in the US is insurance (worst case scenario would mean that a single, childless person pays up to $9100 per year in out of pocket max, plus the premiums). But the US is also a significantly harder place to immigrate to. H-1B, yes, lawful permanent residence? You would be waiting for years to know if you got approved.

I have done some calculations in the past to show that unless your income is very high, you may end up spending more money on healthcare in the US than the income tax you would have paid in Canada on the same income (multiplying the exchange rate at the time. So, an American making $100 000 is deemed to be making the same amount of money as a Canadian making $134 000 when USD/CAD is 1.34 like right now).


random20190826 t1_ixnum4g wrote

There are a lot of upper middle class Hong Kong residents making high six figures to low seven figures (in HKD) who give up their high paying jobs and come to the UK knowing they would make much less and are fine with that because they don't want their children to suffer under President Xi.

Of course, I get the sense that if you have money, Canada is a better place to move to than the UK because of the higher salaries in certain sectors and the relatively lower taxes (of course, it is still higher than HK by a lot depending on your income).