
rathat t1_j5vqe2m wrote

Most people think most of the time with an inner voice. Some people think more with imagery than an inner voice, and then there are some people who are just not capable of thinking in an inner voice at all. It's called aphantasia. They can't imagine sound well at all. Some of them also use imagery, but it's also common for them to not be able to imagine imagery either. But I'm sure your last idea also happens sometimes, people just misunderstanding what an inner voice is.


rathat t1_iwebszh wrote

YES! I’ve said it before on Reddit too, sleep paralysis is also the explanation for alien abduction stories. I have had sleep paralysis myself, and it’s exactly like people describe alien abductions. I know I used aliens coming to earth as an example of something more likely to happen than ghosts, but its second to ghosts lol, I love the idea of aliens, but it’s never really aliens.


rathat t1_iwato6s wrote

You’d be surprised how many people truly think they had an experience with a ghost. Like they never even considered any other explanation. I’d more more likely to believe some alien came down from space to fuck with me specifically before I’d believe it was a ghost.