
raven4747 t1_jcl1920 wrote

another spoiler alert: most of the admins at that level are Republicans lol

edit to add: your statement is also blatantly false, which is easily confirmed through a quick search. PSU has a thing called Advocate Day where students go to Harrisburg and talk to the PA representatives & senators to essentially ask for more money. I attended more than once. PSU definitely gets enough money from the state, and until the administration actually shows they are spending the money in the direct interest of students, I don't think we should line their pockets with more taxpayer money..


raven4747 t1_jcklfl4 wrote

for me, I'm happy I went there for a number of reasons, but among the most prominent is that I was able to see what this type of corruption and corporate apathy actually looks like (because spoiler alert: it is EVERYWHERE in the modern American workplace). I learned to navigate it while I was in school and that has made my work life a lot easier and less stressful tbh.

still, I would not recommend my younger family members to attend PSU by any means.


raven4747 t1_jckftu1 wrote

I can tell you, the satellite campus I attended has lost around 10-15 established professionals over the past 5 years. it's nowhere near the same campus that it was when I attended, and everyone who is left is just exhausted from having to do the work of 3-4 people since PSU doesn't know how to post competitive job listings or actually hire qualified people.


raven4747 t1_jci4nhk wrote

trust me when I say PSU is crooked as all hell at the top levels. 3+ years of serving in student government really left me disillusioned. there are students (and staff) that are driving themselves crazy trying to make the university better while the administrators & board of trustees could give less of a shit bc they are all making their millions.


raven4747 t1_jcbl14i wrote

well said. its blatantly ridiculous at this point.. but thats apparently what the people need to realize how important it is to engage in the political process as a citizen. all the luxuries we enjoy today are not simply a given. they are a results of centuries' worth of work building a society both in terms of infrastructure but also law, government, and civics. we can't just coast on the past, we have to build like the ones who came before us.


raven4747 t1_jai248n wrote

I mean the facts are that the "legal edibles" in PA are pretty much unregulated and anyone could put anything in that shit. why take a risk with that? all it takes is one asshole on the production/packaging side to put something funky in there and really have you fucked up. maybe not fentanyl but do you really trust these shady gummymakers to not cut costs and put something in there that's not good for you?


raven4747 t1_jai23oe wrote

I mean the facts are that the "legal edibles" in PA are pretty much unregulated and anyone could put anything in that shit. why take a risk with that? all it takes is one asshole on the production/packaging side to put something funky in there and really have you fucked up. maybe not fentanyl but do you really trust these shady gummymakers to not cut costs and put something in there that's not good for you?


raven4747 t1_jai1phm wrote

missing the point that for kids to get dispo edibles, they need an adult with a med card. the dispo system is pretty regulated and every purchase is tied to your name. as opposed to the "legal" gummies that are largely unregulated and much easier for a kid to purchase or get their hands on. even if an adult were to purchase one of those for a kid, if they paid cash there'd be nothing connecting the transaction to their name. dispo edibles would be a much safer and more secure alternative.


raven4747 t1_j9ghcc8 wrote

yes but there are actual checks and balances in place that enable school district residents to hold their schools accountable, even if these processes aren't always effective or efficient. the important part is that with public schools, those processes are there and they can be improved upon. in a private education system, the amounts of checks and balances are drastically reduced.


raven4747 t1_j4739ro wrote

this is fucked up. according to the article the dog was wearing a colored vest. what wild animal do you know that wears clothing? the hunter needs to do what they can to make it right with the family, it's not easy losing a pet in such a bloody way. I've seen pets shot before in this county and it seems like no one gives a fuck. big shame indeed.