
razzledazzle626 t1_jeenafs wrote

It sounds like you’re holding to him to a standard of specific actions that he doesn’t know are important to you. You need to talk to him about what you want, you can’t expect him to just know that a goodnight text every night is important to you. It sounds like he absolutely does show you his love, just in his way, because there hasn’t been clear communication about how you want to be shown love.

Unless this is actually self sabotage, this is 100% fixable by a simple kind and respectful conversation about getting on the same page of how both of you want to receive love. But please know that the situation isn’t him not giving the same love you are. It’s the two of you giving in different ways.


razzledazzle626 t1_j6pk1w7 wrote


razzledazzle626 t1_iuidrpq wrote

Sounds like your assumption is wrong. You do in fact need to confirm every week whether he’s coming or not. Should he be proactive about it? Absolutely. Are you also capable of asking the question to avoid this outcome? Absolutely.