Walmart is the answer. Send it in online, and pick it up in an hour. Obviously there is no Walmart in Boston- but I have found this to be the most cost effective solution.
We moved from Durango! Also doubled salary, but doubled rent cost as well. I spent 10 years in Florida and lived in 4 different cities, never paid more than $825 for a 2/2 unit, looking at rent prices in Florida now is mind blowing. Everywhere seems like a wash for renting, and the last couple years of home rush, has really disrupted things.
It sucks soo bad. Current options are to keep paying almost 3k in rent a month, or buy a seriously over inflated in price, also at like 8% interest. I’m having fun, are you having fun?
redheelermama t1_ja8bvdf wrote
Reply to Where can I print 2x2 passport photos? by 1incroyable
Walmart is the answer. Send it in online, and pick it up in an hour. Obviously there is no Walmart in Boston- but I have found this to be the most cost effective solution.