
rednib t1_jadimzd wrote

OMC is an extremely good school too if you can get in, its in Chestnut Hill and tuition is pennies compared to GFS. Its a small school though without many extra resources, but the education the kids get is top notch, the 8th graders go on to the school of choice, usually with a full scholarship to whatever private high school they applied to the year prior. Last year the graduating class was small, only 16 kids, but they had over $450k in scholarships, its also a blue ribbon school. Also its not like CCH or GFS in which if you're not already super wealthy, your kid(s) won't be the poor one(s) with all of the rich kids. Nothing sucks more than being asked why don't we have a vacation home too? or why can't we go to Europe for the summer like Sally and her parents...


rednib t1_j9aw1g4 wrote

I've stayed in one of the cabins in the national park at Shenandoah and they're pretty bare bones but not run down, just very basic. The national park is easy to hike and there's lots to do around there. It's a bit touristy but not too far away, about 15 minutes drive are the Luray caverns, they're really cool to see in person and they have a kick ass hedge maze too!


rednib t1_j6nced0 wrote

Ah, just what the area needs, more cars and congestion. Everything that made this area unique and desirable has been destroyed by developers in the past decade. Between the development here and the new developments near Belmont, the entire area is just a constant cacophony of noise and jammed traffic virtually any time of the day.


rednib t1_j4o4j13 wrote

Chester is never coming back, its more profitable for it to remain a dump as it's where people who can't afford to live in Philly/Delco/DE end up. That's its purpose. It's also polluted as F, as in you're getting a chronic health condition or cancer (or both) if you live anywhere near the incinerator, the river, or Marcus Hook, which is all of Chester. I used to own a rental property there and sold it after the real-estate investors started building student housing and the university changed their off campus policies for undergrads. The poor have to live somewhere, and that somewhere is Chester.


rednib t1_iyhwsso wrote

Pennsylvania's land has always been a free for all for industry, the entire state government is in the take and always has been. Before fracking it was mining and steel. Who needs clean water? I'm sure they must pump in special magic water to Harrisburg and the politicians houses so they don't have to drink and bath in cancer like the rest of us.