
redyellowblue5031 t1_jebdnwc wrote

There are some laws, but given the relatively young age of the tech, regulations haven’t caught up and it is a hard topic to broach.

If someone tricks you into giving them money, right now there isn’t a way to really do much because you pushed the send button. And should there be? This is part of the question.

One way to reduce this is to make it harder to join these types of P2P payment platforms and put other authentication and authorization “road blocks” in place. How many need to go on to strike a balance between security and keeping the service relevant? That’s yet to be seen.


redyellowblue5031 t1_jeah39q wrote

For various p2p payment apps this is a huge problem.

On the one hand customers can finally pay whoever they want pretty much instantly by removing the a majority of checks and balances in more conventional slower forms of money transfer.

If the problem with that isn’t clear, it’s no wonder scammers are able to leverage these systems to do their business.

Often times, these systems aren’t insured like a debit or credit card would be either. Essentially, you make a mistake and it’s on you.


redyellowblue5031 t1_jbp72ns wrote

It’s one side (the cooler side) of the natural cycle of ENSO (El Niño Southern Oscillation). Basically sea surface temperatures in the central/eastern tropical parts of the pacific swing back and forth from warmer to cooler than average.

This has impacts on large scale weather patterns by impacting things like the available moisture for storms, winds, etc..

Whether we are in La Niña, neutral, or El Niño doesn’t give precise weather forecasts. It just gives a signal to say certain types of events have a higher likelihood of happening.

You can read a little more here.


redyellowblue5031 t1_j1wcqj5 wrote

Triple dip on La Niña isn’t messing around. The pressure gradient and size of the air masses involved in this storm was insane.

A retrospective on this storm will be very interesting to look back on, hopefully some lessons can be gleaned for future storm preparation even if an event this powerful is relatively rare.


redyellowblue5031 t1_j1oz61j wrote

Managing access is largely about risk vs convenience.

Every major password manager has a plethora of options to mitigate any reasonable risk even if someone got a hold of your vault.

The only way they’re getting in is if you used a weak password to begin with.


redyellowblue5031 t1_j1oyrrm wrote

Using the same password everywhere is a fun game if you like credential stuffing.

No system is 100% safe, but if you’re not using a weak master password and also have MFA enabled even with a stolen vault your passwords are safe by all reasonable measures.