
retroPencil t1_jegf7ih wrote

a CP523 notice is:

This website tells you to:

>Contact us immediately at the toll-free number listed at the top right corner of the notice. We will discuss what you need to do to resolve this issue.

Basically your day-job now is to call them.

Maybe you can show up in person.


retroPencil t1_jaeczc8 wrote

Investing is an exercise in understanding one's own risk tolerance. If you feel like target date funds are too risky for your situation. You should not feel pressured to use it.

Safe can be defined from a few different perspectives.

  • safe can mean low losses

  • safe can mean low chance to get into investing the wrong things due to lack of will, skill, time.


retroPencil t1_jadlmwr wrote

  1. AutoTrader is a classifieds site. Just like a newspaper, anyone can pay and post a listing of a vehicle for sale. How trustworthy is dependent on the poster, not the platform.

  2. Google: "auto insurance broker near me." Explain your insurance needs and they will try to help you out. At the end of the day, you may or may not have an option as to how much you pay.

  3. You 99.999% will not find an above board lender to finance 5k for a 14 yr old car.

  4. You have to get a job in addition to your grad school duties to afford a car.


retroPencil t1_iud8enc wrote

What is your knowledge about credit score reporting and usage? What you're asking for doesn't make sense to me. Are you just trying to see the number tick higher like a game? There aren't any real life benefits. Maybe I'm missing something.