
rexmaster2 t1_jed6igl wrote

Exactly, I've seen one stylist use scissors while another uses a razor for the same hair cut, all while using completely different ways to cut it. And they don't come out the same in the end.


rexmaster2 t1_j0o11bx wrote

Instead of waiting 1, 2, 6, or even 8 months to make a REAL lifestyle change on your bday or new years, I found it more helpful to just make the change.

A person will only change if they truly want to or have a REASON to. I have made small changes over time which I have been able to stick with, because I knew that I wanted to. If I chose to wait for for some specific day in the future, I may no longer be interested. Thata why people don't stick to new year's resolutions.

Sometimes, its best to start off with something slowly and increase in increments, until u are at the pace u want or visa versa, u have decreased in increments until its cut out entirely.


rexmaster2 t1_iu9z1ul wrote

Sometimes hearing the truth from those closest to them, never works. They will only listen if it comes from someone else.

I have bought this book for a few friends that have needed it, and it has changed their lives for the better. It is important that her bf not see this, or he will go on the offensive.

The Verbally Abusive Relationship: how to recognize it and how to respond by Patricia Evans.

And for those considering this book, it does not matter who the aggressor is. It matters that you don't allow the person closest to you treat you this way.


rexmaster2 t1_ith3qoe wrote

The true moral of the story is, if u have no intention of honoring what u say to someone, then don't say it.

I have a neighbor who is similar. Call me whenbahe needs me, but can't be bothered to keep her word with me. She'll say, let's go out to lunch, meet up, ill be over later, ill call u tonight, and I get nothing from her. In most cases, it's because her (60) husband (70) won't let her leave the house once he is home. He wants no one in the house. Well, except for his gf, of course.

In cases like this, it's all about control. Nothing more.