
rikashiku t1_je83amt wrote

The original BoS Chapters we see in earlier games, while iconic, are living a singular ideology that excludes others from their cult. It is an ideology that is built to fail.

The Lyons chapter succeeds and thrives, because they include outsiders into their ranks, and build trade agreements with outsiders.

Those who break away from the isolationist views and action, are doing so for survival, and thus they do survive and thrive.


rikashiku t1_ja0kpxj wrote

I remember seeing promos for it and being pretty interested in how it was going to play out, and then I find out that it had 8 episodes released already and there were hardly any talks about it. No mentions, and even on dedicated subreddits and forums, it didn't have much active chats.


rikashiku t1_j8e7cn4 wrote

Not the way the British wanted. It was one of the reasons they didn't consider them to be an intelligent people compared to others, and they did that a lot even between tribes.

The likes of Maori and Tongans were easier and more "human" because they had similar understanding of trade and communication.


rikashiku t1_j8dtgu7 wrote

>it's just that the Europeans didn't see them as being up to their standards

Exactly. What I mean in my case was that I didn't know anything about them, and to have learned that many of the different cultures in Australia were very adaptive people who took great care of the land and its creatures, but the Western point of view I grew up with didn't even consider them to be a history worth mentioning.

Like I didn't know they migrated farming zones every few years, making the soil fertile, and ensuring animals keep to their own regions away from the settlements.


rikashiku t1_j8dogbo wrote

Recently I've started learning more about the First Nations people and I'm shocked that they were actually very sophisticated and adaptable than I expected at the time. edit: because i didn't know anything about them.

The British made the awful misjudgment of considering them to be a less than human people, because some of the tribes didn't understand trade and negotiation that the British are used to.


rikashiku t1_j8cgkzw wrote

Iirc it was the Makassan people from Indonesia who made contact with First Nation Australians and formed trade pacts with the nearby nations.

Before them, the Treasure Fleet from the Ming Dynasty would chart the West, north, and East coast.

Edit: I can't open the link. So I was going off memory here.


rikashiku t1_j5h5sx1 wrote

I like how you start with talking about Willow in the title, and then talk about Game of Thrones the rest of the time compared to Rings of Power.

I didn't get GoT vibes from RoP. I got more Wheel of Time vibes than GoT.

A fantasy tv show with a budget and a rushed storyline, tons of exposition, characters who are supposed to be clever making ignorant mistakes, and battle sets.

Only, Rings of Power felt both expensive looking and cheap.


rikashiku t1_iye8pvm wrote

I've never found Dark Souls to be particularly difficult. DS2 and Bloodbourne on the otherhand are more of a challenge, but not enought o make me rage quit. What does make me rage quit are mystery games or story-driven games like the Telltales games or Life is Strange because I made a bad choice or I missed a choice or a collectible.


rikashiku t1_iy13e5k wrote

Those bushes and fences were definitely not higher than the Gate. The gate looked more than 2.5 meters tall. The bushes maybe less than 1.8 meters.

Still, she's got hops. She could have jumped up and climbed over the gate with no problem. I mean she was clearing 2 meters easy.


rikashiku t1_ixh6mvw wrote

I don't recall a show that had so many fans try to predict what will happen, and still get it all wrong. It really sets up the suspense and unpredictability of the show and keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. Well I certainly was throughout the season, because I could not predict the outcome of anything happening.


rikashiku t1_ixaxwf1 wrote

The first season can be difficult for people to get into, due to how quick the pacing can be, and how many years pass in this season.

The show is absolutely worth it for the drama, and definitely the action. Some of the most fun action scenes in a show. Tense moments and thriller.

Very highly recommend this show. 110% recommend this show.